“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.” -Eric Shinseki

Having entered the professional world before digital was "a thing", much less THE thing, I recognized the potential in digital and jumped on that train over 12 years ago. I decided to seek as much knowledge and understanding of all things digital marketing as I possibly could throughout my career. I am still constantly learning and obtaining certifications every year with the goal of helping companies understand the automation world as it pertains to their revenue goals and customer journeys within their sales pipeline.

Digital transformation sounds scary, I get it. But it's the necessary world we live in and with help from an experienced professional combined with a quick analysis of your data, you can set your marketing and sales department up for success.

Master of Science in Marketing

Masters Degree
Florida International University Marketing Masters

Always learning with the changing and advancement of technology, I went back to earn my Masters degree in Marketing with a specialization in data science in 2020.

There I earned a 3.8 GPA, while still working full time, and was inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, The International Business Honors Society.

On a personal note, I am a wife and mom to 4 boys. We love traveling and all the sports. “Soccer/track mom” is my favorite job.