Modern marketing. Real results.

  • marketing automation and operations

    Marketing Automation & Ops

    Marketing Automation & Ops is far more than just an email blast or managing segmentation lists. Marketing teams must ensure that lead and onboarding processes are optimized for the best user experience to avoid a high abandon rate or issues tickets. And that’s only the beginning. Compliance, tracking, reporting, lead scoring, and landing page strategy make for a well rounded automation and ops team plan.

  • digital marketing

    Campaign Management

    Marketing campaigns are often considered to be the backbone to both lead and demand generation. Far more than just Google Search Ads, marketing campaigns should be designed based on research, clear goals and planned to specifically reach your brand’s audience in ways that cause them to think and feel incorporating value and clear next steps that keep them engaged.

  • marketing data and analytics

    Data & Analytics

    If you build it, they will come. Sure, but can you track it? Did it increase your revenue? Did it help increase your brand’s reach? These questions and more can be answered with clear dashboards and complete, connected tracking. Everyone wants “data driven decisions” but your decisions are only as good as your data. Do you have tracking set up correctly? What’s your visualization plan?

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As an Independent Contractor with over 12 years of marketing leadership experience, I am uniquely positioned to help brands improve their marketing processes, increase revenue, optimize functionality and time, while widening brand reach.

Located in Houston, Tx I am centrally located and have been able to work in a variety of industries, most notably Oil & Gas, SaaS, Fitness & Wellness, Research & Development, and Education. From teams of 1 to teams of 100+ my audit > optimize > build > teach approach has helped businesses from startups to Fortune 100s achieve success.

I am also available to consult on marketing projects and automation implementations. As a fractional CMO I enjoy putting together annual marketing plans based on market research, technical capabilities and expected goals. We will utilize best practices as well as outside-the-box thinking and content planning to pull in the human element of marketing and reach your audience at a level that stays with them and adds value to their day.

My true love is teaching and sharing knowledge! I have a B2B Marketing e-course coming out this year that I am very excited to share with the world. It is in post-production currently, but stay tuned for that unveiling soon!

I look forward to working with you!