Marketing With Fallon

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Emotions in Business

If you're having trouble closing deals or creating demand maybe what you don't need is more sales and/or marketing training.

The most valuable learning I ever did for my content curation and marketing skills is:

1. Interpersonal Communication - why and how we communicate as a species in all our varied forms. Understanding this will help you write better for specific audiences and approach them in a way that makes sense to THEM, not your goals.

2. Sociology and Culture - what is important to one person is not important to every person. Learn regional and generational norms and habits.

3. Empathy - this is the key to ad and headline copy. If you don't naturally have empathy, this need to be number 1 on your priority list, especially in sales. The user/customer does NOT care that you are "the best" or have been around the longest, nor that you offer a service they need. They care that they make the right decision for their needs. They care that their workload is manageable and their problems are solved and that they were listened to and trust in the solution offered. Period. Everything else is SEO by itself, and SEO all by itself does not move the needle over time.

There are parents at work. There are caretakers at work. There are those who are fasting for religious purposes at work. There are those who are recovering through something medical or psychological at work. There are young and overwhelmed people at work. There are those who are grieving from a family loss at work.

Write like you care. Listen like you care. Speak like you care. Also just care. It matters a lot more than you think.